Install and Run Evio from .deb package

As of version 23.3.0, Evio can run on both amd64 platforms (the majority of commodity edge/cloud resources), as well as on armhf and arm64 (edge platforms such as Raspberry Pi) with Ubuntu Linux 18.04 and 20.04.

NOTE For Raspberry Pi users, we currently only support Ubuntu 20.04 server. Among other issues, Raspian does more aggressive use of DHCP and, while in principle it should be possible to work around it, we do not have a clean approach to supporting Raspian as of yet. If you would like to try Raspian, it requires disabling DHCP on all interfaces, as described at the end of this document.

Install deb Package

Note: The arm64 package has been tested in Ubuntu 20.04 Raspberry Pi, Amazon and Oracle Cloud ARM64 instances

Before installing the package, you need to add the evio repository to your node - this step needs only be done once for a host:

sudo bash
# echo "deb [trusted=yes] * *" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fury.list
# apt update

To install the package:

# apt install evio

If the installation fails due to the libffi-dev dependence, you might need to add that manually:

# apt-get install libffi-dev
# apt install evio

Edit Configuration File

After installation, but before starting, configure your node by editing /etc/opt/evio/config.json. The easiest way to get started with a working configuration is to request a trial account. You can also use the template from this page and add XMPP credentials, setting the IP address, and applying other configurations as needed

Run Service

You may use systemctl to start/stop/restart/status evio.


The installer has dependencies on, and will install python3 (>=3.9), python3-dev (>=3.9), python3-pip, iproute2, bridge-utils.

By default, the following files and directories are created:

  1. /opt/evio/tincan
  2. /opt/evio/controller/
  3. /etc/opt/evio/config.json

Disabling or removing the software

To disable Start on Boot

sudo systemctl disable evio

To remove the package

sudo apt remove -y evio