
This tutorial guides you through the process of deploying two nodes using Docker


The tutorial assumes that you either have received a trial account (recommended for first-time use), or, that you have an XMPP server up and running, with user accounts and a group setup, as described in the tutorial on deploying an XMPP server using Docker

Configure host network and directories

First, you need to install Docker and Open vSwitch and create a network namespace in the Docker host:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y openvswitch-switch \
                        python3 python3-pip python3-venv \
                        apt-transport-https \
                        ca-certificates \
                        curl git \
                        software-properties-common \
                        docker-ce-cli \
sudo groupadd -f docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
sudo docker network create dkrnet

**Note: Make sure you log out and back in again so the docker group addition is in effect

**Note: If you are using Ubuntu 20.04, start OVS manually:

sudo systemctl start ovs-vswitchd.service

Now, create directories in the host to hold configuration files and logs for your containers:

mkdir evio
cd evio
mkdir config
mkdir logs
mkdir logs/001
mkdir logs/002

Setup configuration files

The simplest way to get started is by requesting a trial account and following the configuration file template that you receive once your request is processed. In the example here, we use config-001.json and config-002.json to deploy two nodes.

Start the containers

Now you will run two containers, named evio001 and evio002, mapping the different configuration file and the log directories to different mount points. Note: the examples below use the dkrnet network and Docker NAT. This requires TURN if you connect multiple hosts. If you plan to run a single container in your host, it’s advisable you use the host’s network instead, by replacing dkrnet by host below.

Instructions for Evio 20.12.1 and above:

docker run -d -v /home/$USER/evio/config/config-001.json:/etc/opt/evio/config.json -v /home/$USER/evio/logs/001:/var/log/evio/ --rm --privileged --name evio001 --network dkrnet edgevpnio/evio-node:21.9.0 /sbin/init

docker run -d -v /home/$USER/evio/config/config-002.json:/etc/opt/evio/config.json -v /home/$USER/evio/logs/002:/var/log/evio/ --rm --privileged --name evio002 --network dkrnet edgevpnio/evio-node:21.9.0 /sbin/init

Test your connection

You can open a shell into the container evio001 (virtual IP address, and ping the evio002 node (virtual IP

docker exec -it evio001 /bin/bash
# ping

Or, the other way around:

docker exec -it evio002 /bin/bash
# ping