Introduction and requirements

This document describes how you can deploy your own server on the Amazon EC2 cloud to serve as a bootstrapping node with XMPP and TURN services for your own Evio networks.

The main requirement is that you have an Amazon AWS account, and that you are familiar with launching EC2 instances and configuring security groups.

You can get started with a baseline EC2 Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04 instance and use an IP address assigned by AWS on startup. The recommended deployment model is to use an Elastic IP address that has a DNS mapping, but it is not a requirement.

Deploy AWS instance

First, log in to the AWS console, and deploy an instance as follows:

  • Select the AWS Ubuntu 20.04 AMI
  • Suggested configuration: t3.medium with 32GB disk
  • You must configure the following security group policies for inbound traffic:
Type Protocol Port range Source Description
Custom UDP Rule UDP 3478 coturn
Custom TCP Rule TCP 3478 coturn
Custom UDP Rule UDP 49160 - 59200 coturn
Custom TCP Rule TCP 5222 - 5223 XMPP
Custom TCP Rule TCP 3306 AWS_PUBLIC_IP/32 MySQL
Custom TCP Rule TCP 9090 - 9091 See note!! openfire
  TCP 9090 - 9091 AWS_PUBLIC_IP/32 openfire

Note: make sure you set up all these rules correctly; if UDP port 3478 and range 49160 - 59200 are not open, coturn will not work properly and your network may not do NAT traversal. If the XMPP port is not open, your Evio nodes will not be able to bootstrap. Make sure the MySQL port is only open to your instance’s public IP; if it’s not open properly, neither openfire nor coturn will work.

Note: the last TCP rule for ports 9090-9091 specify which addresses can access the admin interface for Openfire. It is strongly recommended that, instead of opening up to the world ( you provide the list of IP addresses of each admin user who will manage the XMPP server - including your AWS_PUBLIC_IP so you can ssh-tunnel into it.

Log in to your instance and deploy services

From the EC2 interface, find out the public address of your instance (we’ll call it AWS_PUBLIC_IP in this document) and ssh into it with your AWS key:

ssh -i your_aws_key.pem ubuntu@AWS_PUBLIC_IP

Now, clone the evio-config-gen repo:

git clone
cd evio_config_gen/

You need to customize your deployment by setting the following three environment variables with: the password you want for your SQL server; the AWS_PUBLIC_IP; and a base address for a Docker network which will be created by Docker compose.

export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="Enter mysql root password here"
export AWS_SERVER_IP="Enter IP Here"

Now run the setup script:


The script will pause mid-way and ask you to continue Openfire setup in your browser; follow the instructions on the terminal

Create XMPP/TURN user accounts, and Evio configuration files

First, make sure you have AWS_SERVER_IP set as an environment variable as per earlier instrictions, change into evio_config_gen, and edit the script.

export AWS_SERVER_IP="Enter IP Here"
cd evio_config_gen

In you need to change two constants in the script (SERVER_ADDRESS, XMPP_DOMAIN), as follows:

  • If you are using a numeric IP address without DNS configured, enter the AWS public IP address and set the XMPP_DOMAIN as openfire.local: SERVER_ADDRESS: AWS_SERVER_IP XMPP_DOMAIN: openfire.local

  • If you do have a valid public DNS mapping for your server, enter its fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for both: SERVER_ADDRESS: FQDN XMPP_DOMAIN: FQDN

Now let’s create a five test accounts and an overlay named Test1:

cd ~/evio-config-gen
python3 --sqlpass=your_mysql_root_password --evioname=Test1 --baseip=10.10.100 --numnodes=5 --numacct=5

If you cd into Test1, you will see five .json configuration files, and a couple of shell scripts. You will need to run the main script as follows to enter your accounts into the MySQL database:

cd Test1
chmod 755 *.sh

Now you can copy the .json files for each of your Evio nodes, and start them up as described in the installation instructions or, these instructions if you use Docker.

To (re) start services

cd ~/evio-config-gen
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d